Meet Starter, the plan WITHOUT a monthly subscription!

Help your child learn how to manage their money in a safe environment with NO MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION. Create your Woli account NOW!
Meet Starter, the plan WITHOUT a monthly subscription!

Our simple pricing


The first 30 days are FREE to try all the features that the Woli app offers to you and your child!


– Upon completion of the 30 days, the Starter plan, which has no monthly subscription, is automatically activated. Some of the Woli features are not available in this plan

– Whenever you want you can upgrade to access all Woli features, either to the monthly subscription plan at a cost of €2.99 per child or to the annual plan at a cost of €2.99 and save €5.89!

What the Starter plan includes

What the Starter plan includes

  • FREE Woli VISA debit card (incl. shipping)
  • FREE Parent Account top up via bank transfer
  • FULL ACCESS on exclusive offers from popular brands for parents and children
  • FULL ACCESS to the Refer a Friend, Co-Parent, Pay Friend features
  • LIMITED ACCESS to the Educational and Auto-allowance features
  • MONEY TRANSFER FEE from parent to child 3.50%, with a minimum charge of €2.00