By replacing cash with the Woli card, students no longer need to carry cash, reducing the risk of loss or theft. It offers a convenient and secure way to make payments within the school premises!
Unlocking the Benefits: Embracing a Cash-Free Campus for Students!
Discover the convenience, security, and financial empowerment of a cash-free campus with the Woli card.

Convenience and Security!

Money management skills!
With the Woli card, students develop a better understanding of spending, saving and earning. They learn to manage their funds, make informed choices, and develop essential money management skills that are crucial in today’s cashless society.

Fuel students’ financial literacy journey!
9/10 European teenagers demonstrate a low level of financial literacy. Woli offers an inclusive financial wellness package that goes beyond traditional benefits and can help close the financial literacy gap.

Contact with Woli!
Are you interested? If so, contact us to find out how the solution provided by Woli can help your school!